Calm Behavior Around Attractive Girls


You may know that feeling. You are like the special guy who is confident in some situations, but suddenly when you have to talk to you crush or just some hot girl in club, you shit your pants and in the end, do just nothing. I will show you why this happens and how to build your own calm behavior around attractive girls, so this stupid and awkward moment would never ever happen again in your life.


I really recommend to watch my previous video, where I break down most of my experience in gaining confidence. Ask yourself if you feel, you are truly confident according to this podcast, or if you discover that you´re not, gain basic confidence knowledge at first, and then get back here.

I had this weird mindset, we are talking about, too. But as I was thinking about it, I came out with an idea, why is this all happening. Because if you´re doing some activity for really long period, it simply became normal for you. So, you don´t have any reason to feel anxious or nervous in your daily life. But what about talking in front of people or playing on concert, and most importantly, flirting with girls in bars? That is not on daily basis, it´s occasional. Maybe you have never flirted with strange girl in club. More you experience this, it would become more normal to you, so your confidence would be high also.


There´s no reason to start by hitting nearest bar and trying it right now. No! It would be awkard and your confidence would get lower, and that´s what we don´t want. So start by simple, easy details, such as making your style (that means that you like clothes you´re wearing, so you´re confident in them), then confident walking, keep good posture, I think you get the idea I´m trying to give you this whole time.


Now, you have to open yourself. This is mainly for those deep introverts, which are scared of talking to people. And guess what? That´s the first mission or homework I´m giving you. If you see someone you know, go straightly to them and start conversation (try this for week, like some challenge or little game). Don´t be closed in you, in your world. Our shared world is much bigger and also more interesting than yours. Or just tell some story when you are sitting with friends in group, or if you aren´t even in this group, join it. No big deal. I wouldn´t lie that 99% of people won´t reject you. Try it, cause you can, I trust you.


Since you started talking to people, now you have to get it on higher level. Try to express your real opinions, be sure in them and don´t change them according to other people, under any circumstances. If you go to the shop, start conversation with the shop assistant. Compliment her about her nice looking hair she was making all morning or react by telling some story. And if she would feel awkward? Nothing happens! You would never see her again, right? So what? I really recommend you to start risking in your life a little bit, cause playing safe doesn´t get you anywhere.


This is totally crazy challenge, I mean, even me don´t try it. I´ll tell you what it is about. When you´re walking on the street, start conversation with yourself aloud. I know, it´s really weird. But it would get you instantly to the next level. And if you really feel anxious or ashamed by that, pick your earphones and pretend to be calling your friend or something.

If you have tried all of this, now you are ready to hit as many girls in clubs as you can! I hope, you understandood the problem, found some solution for yourself and you´re excited to watch another podcast. Have a nice life of advantages, gentleman.


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