How To Gain Your Real Confidence


Welcome, man. In the previous video, we have talked about tricks or kind of steps that will help you getting as many hot girls as you want. And I was emphasizing one really important point. And that´s confidence. This favorite word means a lot, cause it can drastically change your live. If you have it low, you would never get things you want, because you are making things as the other says. Therefore, it is better to have a good ego. Having this powerful skill means leading your life and getting what you truly want, including girls. So, let´s jump right into it!


Every single time, I introduce you to the problem by telling you, how your appearance should look like. Because, it´s the thing that everybody sees, not only people you are talking to. Stop this video for a while and watch some videos of confident people. Now, what they have in common? How they act when walking on the street? First thing which blows my mind is their style of walking. They aren´t closed to themselves in their own world but they are trying to be as open as f*ck. At this moment, even at home or in public, doesn´t matter, take a deep breath, wide your shoulders, get your legs wider and look around you. Try to keep strong eye contact with some hot girls near you, just count to two and then look away. Do this like two or three times a day and it will boost your confidence to the next level.

What next? In theory, closed body means social anxiety and no self-trust. Otherwise, calm and bit slow behavior shows your real confidence.

The last thing here is to don´t forget about inventing your type of fashion style. Open your wardrobe and put some clothes on. If you don´t feel confident in them, immediately throw them away to nearest trash bin. It´s perfect time for changing your wardrobe and your style to unique version.


The more you are introvertic, the more it is harder for you to take some really challenging tasks, otherwise for other people, it´s usual everyday stuff. What? Yep, if you don´t understand this at all, I understand you, because I was in the same position as you are right now. I remember that I had terrible nightmare of having a calls with some girls I had crush on. But I overcome this fear by time. And the biggest destroyer of this fear was one crazy experience. I knew that I must tell the girl that I want her to be my girlfriend. So I was like one hour wondering about what to say and when. But after this time, I just pressed the calling button and I was trying to not be nervous. And I don´t know how, but somehow I said it. And after two minutes, I wasn´t feeling nervous, but I felt OK and much more confident. So making only one step can boost you to another level of confidence.

We are feeling more confident and brave after doing something we thought it´s even impossible. So right now, take a note and write at least ten things you are scared of doing. It can be calling your crush, talking in front of the class, hanging out with schoolmates or even asking your crush out. These fears line up from the easiest to the nearly impossible. Each day, overcome one fear. After month, you will definitely see stunning results.


I am talking here pretty much about goals, but maybe I made the fault that I
didn´t emphasize what´s their true meaning and why you should make them.

So, we set goals for things we want to achieve and usually we think it is impossible to get them done. There is plenty of reasons why it is impossible. We don´t have the will, we are lazy or we don´t set plan for it. But, everything what doesn´t deny physics, is possible. It´s only inside your head and your mindset.

I think we are getting to the point, because if you make a goal, set a plan and then do everything for it each day, you would totally achieve it. Wow. It´s crazy, like I mean, one month ago, I thought it is only a dream, and now I´m here. I am really good, like it is fucking beast feeling. I´m not only lazy as my friends, huh.

So, just define your goals. That´s it. Have nice Life Of Advantages, gentleman and see you in the next video.

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